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By Steph Sandhoff

Photo Attribution: Nine

A warm, albeit belated welcome to this year’s OAK + RIDGE Block Blog for 2023. After a contentious and rather underwhelming season last year, I wasn’t sure whether I would be returning with my professional yet highly entertaining commentary this year. However with a lack of “quality” renovation shows watched as universally as the Block… Yes I say that with a smirk. I decided we had to see what the five new couples have to offer.

As I’m sure you are all already aware, this year’s block is located in the Melbourne suburb of Hampton East. A well-known family suburb in the Bayside area, Hampton East has incredible access to beaches, shopping, local transport, etc. This quiet yet bustling and affordable area has been recently discovered and begun to gentrify; a process ‘The Block’ is well known for contributing to. Whatever your opinion on gentrification, I have no doubt these 1950’s properties would have been snapped up for renovation regardless of the show’s investment.

As most of the contestants this year seem interchangeable, ie. Young, good-looking, Aussie couples with either 2 kids or dogs, let’s take a closer look at our teams and their House Decider Kid’s Room Reveals.

Room Reveal: Steph and Gian

Photo Attribution: Nine

Up first we have newly weds Steph and Gian from Sydney. Steph is a 27 year-old architect, having recently launched her own firm SjO Architects. Sound familiar? Yes, I am also a 28 year-old architect named Steph who has recently launched her own design business. I did have to double check someone hadn’t secretly signed me up for The Block 2023. The fact she has a husband did help clear things up though. Her husband of 1 year, Gian, works in finance for a tech start up.

Photo Attribution: Nine

Their kid/not kid room was inspired by ‘Buzz Lightyear’ and saw the couple accused of ignoring the brief. The furniture choices were high end and stylish, but completely unsuitable for kids. The lack of ‘young’ styling choices and large size of the room left it feeling cold and empty. Neale summed it up by saying the room was "lacking any soul, any punch…” I’m also with Shaynna, when she questioned the ‘climbing rope slash book shelf’.

Room Reveal: Kristy and Brett

Photo Attribution: Nine

Next up, we have Kristy and Brett from Adelaide. Both working in the ‘power and energy’ industry, Kristy is a project manager and Brett a safety adviser - skills that are sure to come in handy on The Block.

Photo Attribution: Nine

Their reveal was a frozen inspired kid’s room that was initially met with a warm reception by our judges. Having chosen appropriate kid’s furniture, the styling was ridiculously obvious with ‘frozen branded’ toys. The word is 'inspiration', not 'theme'. Without the inclusions of Elsa and Olaf I’m not sure I would be able to see the vision. The room feels a little lacking in concept, styling and execution in my opinion. A solid start, however, for a 48 hour challenge.

Room Reveal: Kyle and Leslie

Photo Attribution: Nine

In House Three (for the moment anyway) is couple Kyle and Leslie from Perth. True Block fans, having applied multiple times, they have a little renovating experience though neither works in a relatable industry. Kyle is a firefighter and Leslie, an educational assistant, both occupations requiring hard work and dedication.

Photo Attribution: Nine

Into their room and I have to laugh. The ‘galaxy tights’ wallpaper is horrendous, regardless of what the judges say. The room is screaming low budget, no vision, home-reno job on Tiktok with 7 views. The room is lacking a colour scheme, a bedhead AND A WINDOW. I think we can all agree that covering up a window is a no-go, partially due to the structure and natural light they provide but also because it is simply illegal to have a bedroom without an exterior window. Luckily they have a second window at the other end of the room. Knowing nothing about Star Wars and having to google Grogu to check the spelling, I am admittedly no expert, but I would have loved to see a stone and grey-green colour palette, natural textures and fibres, and perhaps a canopy over the bed inspired by Grogu’s robe?

Room Reveal: Leah and Ash

Photo Attribution: Nine

On to our next couple, Leah and Ash who are from Brisbane, and are being hailed as the most experienced couple this year. Having completed multiple home renovations, they own their own building company with backgrounds in first aid training and sales.

Photo Attribution: Nine

On entering their room, their renovation experience is blatantly obvious. While not perfect, the design gives a nod to all design elements necessary for a successful space; shape, colour, space, form, line, texture, etc. I know it sounds boring, but have you ever walked into a room and felt it was missing something but couldn’t figure out what. It’s probably missing one of these fundamental elements. Whether the room inspired by a National Geographic German Castle Puzzle is to your taste, you can’t deny those bunk beds are amazing. Although the peacock and puzzle styling isn’t my favourite, the solid pink colour they chose for the walls fills in any of the empty spaces left due to the short 48 hour time limit.

Room Reveal: Eliza and Liberty

Photo Attribution: Nine

Last but not least, we have sisters Eliza and Liberty from Melbourne. Between announcing they’re (seriously) single and sporting a Viktoria and Woods Pinstripe Pantsuit, I was pretty sure I’d like these guys. Eliza works as a personal assistant with a background in television and radio, while Liberty is a producer at an advertising agency. Neither have any renovation experience so it will be interesting to see how they progress throughout the competition.

Photo Attribution: Nine

On entering the room, the judges were at odds with each other regarding the ‘Groot’ inspiration. Darren pointed out the use of natural tones, textures, use of colour and plants. While Shaynna and Darren were dissatisfied by the lack of interest pieces and obvious Groot references, I fall somewhere in the middle with this one. I agree with Darren completely that they met the brief in a non-kitsch way, using timber furniture rather than installing a Graffico forest mural (thank god). However I will admit to agreeing that the room needs another layer, particularly on the bed side of the room. I think an extra layer of bedding, a textured wall to match the desk niche and more interesting bedside tables would have made a world of difference.

To those of you who are new to the OAK + RIDGE Block Blog then welcome and if you are back from last year, then thanks for hanging around. If you’re all for working smarter not harder and would like each week’s blog sent straight to your inbox, don’t forget to subscribe. I’d also love to hear your comments and feedback below.

See you on Monday to talk House Choices and Week 1 Bathroom Reveals.


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